Digital Vehicle Inspections (DVI) in Brampton, ON

Every time your vehicle arrives in our shop, we perform an inspection to ensure the safety of each vehicle. We complete these inspections digitally.
Shops have been doing inspections for a number of years, but they are typically recorded on paper and given to the customer once complete. Of course with filling out paper inspections there is the potential for illegible writing, skipped sections and the difficulty to ensure consistent inspections.
We work with the latest technology to perform our inspections. We use a tablet device to record results of each inspection. These then feed into our shop management system to save the history, as well as can be shared easily with customers.
Going through the inspection digitally has a lot of advantages for us as technicians, but Digital Vehicle Inspections also offer advantages to the customer. While completing a digital inspection we can take notes and images that are saved in the software. We can then take those images and send them to a customer, to show the current status of their vehicle.
We pride ourselves in offering transparent and quality service. Being able to discuss DVI’s with customers helps allows us to provide that honest transparency and top notch service! Call Reliance Auto Repair today to book an appointment, or ask for more details in Digital Vehicle Inspections.